Monday, May 6, 2013

Livin' Life

So my dad is bothered by the fact that I haven't updated my blog in a very long time. I apologize! Ian is amazing. Truly amazing. I don't think about Dandy-Walker every time I look at him now. I just think of Ian. Physically, he isn't challenged at this point. He walks, runs, jumps, plays on the playground (in your face doctor man!), kicks soccer balls; you name it, he tries it. His speech seems delayed, but who knows if that's associated to Dandy-Walker or just a 23 month old little boy. He has many many words, but not all of them are clear. He isn't speaking in many phrases, but I am confident that will come. He throws great temper tantrums and gets pretty emotional. This too can't be linked to DW at this point in time....we are entering 'terrible two's'! I have read that the cerebellum controls both language and emotions/behaviors, so only time will tell if these are issues we'll be dealing with in the future. I'll try to be better at keeping you all updated. I did rely heavily on blogs that I found and often wondered.....Now what? How are they doing/growing?......when the author just stopped updating. Thank you for thinking of Ian, and please continue to pray for him, other DW kids, and newly diagnosed families.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome news! I love reading about Ian. I just posted some new information and an updated picture of Sofia. Enjoy!
