Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17th Ultrasound

We didn't have to wait long in the waiting area to be called back for our ultrasound. I was grateful for this. I am very happy for other pregnant women, and I smile when I see babies, but I want/wanted to feel like they feel. I just wanted the happiness that usually accompanies pregnancy. The fear of the unknown creeps in constantly.

Our tech was very sweet and upbeat. Her attitude really relaxed me. I was so anxious to see him! He was very active once again, but she was able to get readings of everything that she needed to. Good news; the ventricles in his brain were normal sized except for the 4th ventricle which has the cyst, but this ventricle was only 1 mm larger than "normal." I think I smiled the entire time!

Dr. C. (the doctor of fetal maternal medicine from our first appointment) entered the room to go over the scans with us. He was all smiles; and to be honest, we were happy to see him too. He is a very likeable doctor. He gave me the worst news a mother could possibly get, but I still like him. I didn't take only his word...I sought out answers. I didn't give up on my guy, and I wouldn't let Dr. C. do so either. He informed us that he spoke with Dr. P. (pediatric neurologist) and that "people seem to be changing their tune a little bit and perhaps it will be more mild that we originally thought." Okay, doc. He decided to scan his brain again, and while doing so he mentioned a vermis. Joe and I looked at each other - a VERMIS? We were told there is no vermis. He explained that now they feel there may be a sliver under the cyst, and that the MRI report indicates that it is present withrotation and that the inferior portion of it is missing. Who knows. Well, God knows, that's about it I think! I don't think we'll have a clear picture of what is present and what is missing until he gets his own MRI after birth. Regardless, no new abnormalities were discovered during this visit, and he seems to be growing well! I'll take it!

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