Tuesday, November 8, 2011

5 months old

Wow, has it really been since August since I have posted? I'm so sorry about that! Life has been crazy busy, and I'm so thankful for it all. I'm thankful that Ian's good health permits me to work and allows our family to book our weekends with fun fall activities and time with family and friends. Ian is amazing in every way. His smile is contagious (as are all babies' smiles) and his giggle brings tears to my eyes quite often. He is happy and healthy. His development seems to be on track. He hasn't rolled from back to belly yet, but his physical therapist isn't too concerned and our doctor thinks it may be because he is such a big guy. He is almost 18 pounds and 27 inches! He is very close to rolling and does it with ease with a little help! He has been introduced to his bouncer and he loves it! He seems in complete control of himself while he bounces. Day by day and prayer by prayer.....thanks for reading and mostly, praying.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that Ian is doing so well. It is so wonderful to hear. I hope he continues to grow and develop. His pictures are adorable!
