Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just enjoying my little man!

Again I must apologize for not posting in a few months. No news is good news, right? Ian is doing well. He's an active little guy. He loves playing with cars and balls, wrestling with his sister, and making huge messes! He runs more than he walks these days. He amazes me. I could tell you my worries for the future, but why? We all know I worry and always will. Unfortunately that's my nature.   But, the worrying isn't stopping me from enjoying every single second with my little man!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Go, Ian!

Ian started walking last week! He's still quite unsteady on his feet, but he's getting better at it every day. I was recently contacted by a family that received the diagnosis of Dandy-Walker. Their little girl is due in October I believe. Her situation sounds a lot like Ian's. I am so happy that my blog has been able to provide hope and strength to another family. That's the main reason I decided to blog about Ian. If I hadn't found Shayna's blog about Mathew and spoken to Ava's parents, I just don't know how I would have made it through. It's so nice to hear from you Joe and Leslie. We're praying for your little one! It's all going to be wonderful. Praying for all the Dandy-Walker kiddos out there!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Master Crawler!

I am so sorry that I haven't posted since January. Ian continues to amaze us daily. He's growing like a weed. He is so busy these days! He crawls all over the place, pulls himself up, cruises a little, walks when holding our hands....you get the picture! No gross motor issues yet! He's also rotten! His new trick is flushing the toilet. He is so proud of himself. I could go on and on, but it's not necessary! He's developing normally, and we couldn't feel more blessed. Thanks for your prayers! I know that whatever the future holds, we'll be okay.

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Year Ago Today.......

January 20, 2011, Joe and I experienced absolute devastation and heartbreak. It was on this day that we were told that our son would never walk or talk, feed himself, play on a playground...you get the idea. It was on this day that we were told that we would most likely institutionalize our son. It was on this day that options about our son's life were presented to us. I have not healed from this; I wonder if I ever will. Life is much better one year later. Praise God. Thank you friends for the support, encouragement and prayers over the past year. Ian is.......absolutely amazing.